The characters live in a world of anthropomorphic animals who live like humans. Spy Fox is a series of software from Humongous Entertainment starring a fictional anthropomorphic fox of the same name. Spy Fox in 'Dry Cereal' received mixed to positive reviews from various critics. The Ffox Fox games have multiple narratives the story branches into a small number of threads midway through the game, and which thread the story follows is randomly selected each playthrough. Spy Fox Dry Cereal Mac - My Website : powered by Doodlekit Spy Fox in "Dry Cereal" - My Abandonware.Spy Fox Dry Cereal Mac - My Website : powered by Doodlekit.The title character of the game can count on the help of Penny the Monkey, who informs about the progress of the mission, and Professor Quack, who has prepared special spy gadgets for our hero. Spy Fox is assigned to find Kid's secret fortress in which the Milky Weapon of Destruction is kept, as well as disarm the weapon and end Kid's intricate plan by putting him in jail.

The kid also plans to collect all the milk in the world wrapped in a giant carton and is dubbed the Milk Weapon of Destruction, then plans to flood the capital with all that milk, frame the dairy cows for the crime, put them in a cow prison and eventually take control of the dairy world. Howard Hugh Heifer Udderly III, president and CEO of "Amalgamated Moo Juice". William the Kid, CEO of "Nectar of the Goats" (NOG), plans to get rid of cow's milk so he can take control of the dairy world with his "delicious" goat milk by-products while kidnapping all the dairy cows in the world including his rival Mr. The action of the game takes place on the fictional island of Acidophilus in Greece. "Spy Fox in "Dry Cereal" is the first of the three parts of the series of adventure games with the title "Spy Fox" for children, developed by the American company Humongous Entertainment in 1997 for PCs.