On the PC side it should come as no surprise that this version is just as optimised as the original release, with our i5/GTX780 setup able to hit the target frame-rate with ease at 1440p with 8x MSAA enabled. By comparison, these same sequences play without issue on PlayStation 4. Essentially, we're looking at minor dips into the mid-50s - something that is just enough to interrupt fluidity. More than any other mode, this setting demands a perfect frame-rate - something that the Xbox One can't quite provide in all instances. This is an challenging gameplay mode previously introduced in the original PC version of the game that throws a much larger number of foes at the player. Unfortunately, for those interested in ramping up the experience to the next level, there is a caveat - there are slight performance issues on Xbox One when playing Legendary Dark Mode. In fact, frame-rate on the whole is actually more consistent here than it was in its original console incarnation.

Thankfully, in our testing, both PS4 and Xbox One turned in excellent performance overall, delivering a smooth, stable 60fps for the vast majority of the duration. High-level play demands fast input response and an unwavering frame-rate. Ask any hardcore fan of the series and they'll tell you how critical a fast frame-rate is for high level play - something Ninja Theory was blasted for in the last generation with its 30fps take on the franchise. Perhaps the most important element in any Devil May Cry title is its performance. Now, more than seven years later, do those once cutting-edge visuals still make the grade on newer hardware and have any new issues appeared in the transition? Given Capcom's somewhat spotty remaster track record, we tackled this latest release with some trepidation.

As one of the earlier games created using Capcom's MT Framework engine, the original DMC4 was quite a looker back in early 2008. We're halfway through Capcom's 'Year of the Remaster' - Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition is the third of five revisitations of older titles due this year, with Resident Evil Zero and the Mega Man Legacy Collection still to come.